How To Reduce Your Electricity Bill in Summer
Due to the scorching summer heat, air conditioners and coolers are used more often, resulting in higher electricity bills. We run these machines around the clock during the intolerable heat waves since we heavily rely on them for our daily lives. Air conditioning units can be very expensive if they are used for long periods of time. Is there anything you can do to make sure you don't blow your budget on your electricity bill?
This blog is about minimizing the effects of summer heat and reducing electricity bills
How can you do it? Some important tips-
Which are the best ways to save electricity? ” and “What are the ways to save electricity during summer?” are among the most frequently asked questions during summer.
The following five tips will help you save money on your electricity bill this year.
Consider painting your roof white
paint on the roof can keep your house cool and can reduce electricity bills
As the summer months approach, Pakistan experiences unwarranted load shedding. Getting your roof painted white is the easiest way to cope with scorching heat. By reflecting sunlight, your roof cools down your home's interior. If your roof is coated with black tar, it will appear as if it is baking. As a result, more heat is generated internally.
For a house with a roof that receives direct sunlight, you will have to run the air conditioner longer in order to achieve the desired temperature. According to studies, white paint reduces heat and reflects about 90% of sunlight, keeping indoor and outdoor temperatures equal. As a result, you may not need to use an air conditioner in your room. Your home will gradually become cooler as a result.
Unused devices should be unplugged
Turning off devices that are not in use can also help reduce the electricity bill in summer. Make sure you unplug your TV as well as switch it off. Whenever you use a charger, electronic device, computer or appliance, you should unplug it afterwards. Even though this information is widely known, it is not widely practised. The main reason, apart from laziness, is that unplugging devices does not save much - merely around PKR 100 to PKR 500. It's like paying for something you didn't even use. We should keep in mind that we have limited resources, even if we can afford to pay the extra amount.
Scan Devices that consume more energy
If people live in the same house for a long time, they are likely to neglect to repair rusted sockets and fix old wires. Despite their small size, these electrical items consume a lot of energy. Fix the leaks in your home to increase its energy efficiency. By using this process, you will be able to reduce your electricity bills and save money.
Off-Peak Hours are best to use appliances
Make sure to iron your clothes during off-peak hours
On your electricity meter, there are two types of electricity unit readings. These are Off-peak hours & Peak hours readings. You should try to take advantage of the off-peak hours when the meter functions at a normal pace and electricity charges are minimum. You should always try to use appliances that consume more electricity, such as the washing machine, iron or water pump, during these hours. Also, charge your devices during this period.
Invest in Inverter Air Conditioners
Choosing an air conditioner wisely is important. Choosing the right machine for your room is crucial. There is a common misconception that a big AC will cool the room faster. You will save money on your electricity bill if you choose the right-sized AC for your room. Buildings in Pakistan are generally not insulated. Moreover, summer lasts for more than half of the year. Therefore, you will save money by buying the right air conditioner. Make sure you thoroughly research the brand and size before making a purchase.
High Electricity consumption machines vs Low electricity consumption machines
Generally, Front-load washing machines consume less electricity
Some appliances consume more electricity than their coequals. For example, laptops consume almost half of the electricity compared to desktop computers. For this good reason, people prefer to use laptops because of their low consumption of electricity. Likewise, it is believed that front-end washing machines are more energy efficient as compared to top-load washing machines.
The Way Forward
Apart from the above tips to reduce electricity bills, there is another option for you and that is GO FOR SOLAR. Instaling solar panels on your roof is the best way to save electricity consumption. Although it is a huge investment, it repays the whole amount in 3-4 years. It is in fact the best way to cope with high electricity bills and electricity outages. People all around the world are turning to this way.
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